
Credit: NOAA

  • Bylaws

    Section 1.
    (a). The name of this organization shall be the Equal Opportunities Section of the American Fisheries Society, hereinafter referred to as the Section.
    (b). The objectives of the Section shall be those of the American Fisheries Society as set forth in Article I of the Constitution, and especially, to encourage the exchange of information pertinent to the promotion of employment, education, scholarship, participation, professionalism, and recruitment for all individuals in the fisheries profession.
    (c). All activities of this subunit shall conform to the Society’s Constitution, Bylaws, Rules, and policies.
    Click Here to Read More.

  • Action Plan

    The Equal Opportunities Section works to encourage the exchange of information pertinent to the promotion of employment, education, scholarship, participation, professionalism, and recruitment for all individuals in the fisheries profession. The Section administers the J. Frances Allen Scholarship program, Mentoring for Professional Diversity Award, Travel Awards for underrepresented students, maintains a website, sponsors symposia on issues related to diversity among fisheries professionals and fish users, and publishes a newsletter. Click Here to Read More.