Other EOS Supported Awards
John E. Skinner Memorial Fund
2018 Skinner Award-Student and Mentor Applications
The John E. Skinner Memorial Fund provides monetary travel awards for deserving graduate students and exceptional undergraduate students to attend the American Fisheries Society annual meeting. The 2018 annual meeting will be held in Atlantic City, New Jersey, August 19-23.
Any student who is active in fisheries or related aquatic disciplines is eligible to apply. Selection is based on academic qualifications, professional service, and reasons for attending the 2018 meeting. Travel support (up to $800 per award) will be made available to winners. Award winners will also receive a one year paid membership to the American Fisheries Society.
This year, students and mentors must apply online. Student and mentor applications can be found at https://fisheries.org/abou
If you have any questions about the 2018 Skinner Award, please contact me at [email protected]
Thank you!
Julie Harris, Skinner Award Chair
Emmeline Moore Prize
Application Form
The American Fisheries Society (AFS) has established a career achievement award, named after the first female AFS president, Emmeline Moore (1927-1928), to recognize efforts of an individual member in the promotion of demographic diversity in the society. This award will be presented to an individual who demonstrates strong commitment and exemplary service to ensuring equal opportunity access to higher education in fisheries and/or professional development in the broad range of fisheries science disciplines. Qualified nominees must exhibit clear evidence of service and commitment to diversity initiatives, including a strong research or fisheries management leadership background, public understanding of diversity issues, technical and popular writing, and inspirational leadership. Candidates should also have enunciated principles that lead to greater involvement of under-represented groups in fisheries science, education, research or management. Nominees for the award are restricted to AFS members.
For a Female Ph.D. Student in Fisheries
The American Fisheries Society (AFS) is pleased to announce that applications are being accepted until April 1, 2016, for the J Frances Allen Scholarship for a female doctoral fisheries student. The J Frances Allen Scholarship was established in 1986 to honor Allen, who pioneered women’s involvement in the AFS and in the field of fisheries. The scholarship fund was established with the intent of encouraging women to become fisheries professionals. The qualified applicant must be a female Ph.D. student conducting aquatic research in line with AFS objectives and be an AFS member as of December 31, 2015.
The award recipient will receive a $2,500 scholarship and there are no restrictions on the use of the funds.
Eligibility: The qualified applicant must be a female Ph.D. student who was an AFS member as of December 31, 2015. The applicant must be conducting aquatic research in line with AFS objectives, which include “all branches of fisheries science, including but not limited to aquatic biology, engineering, fish culture, limnology, oceanography, and sociology”. Typically, this award is given to a student who has completed preliminary exams.
NCDAFS Knowledge Seeker Award
Application Form
The North Central Division of the American Fisheries Society has developed the Knowledge Seeker Award to provide funding support to undergraduate or graduate students seeking the opportunity to attend fisheries related training, workshops, or continuing education courses. Awards are granted three times a year for the purposes of helping students attend fisheries related courses at the Midwest Fish and Wildlife Conference (MFWC), courses held online, or for other relevant training or workshops that require the student to travel or pay a registration fee that may preclude them from attendance. Applications for the 3rd award ($180) of the year are due on the 16th of April. More details can be found at https://ncd.fisheries.org/cont